-The ballet's music: The most important composers that created different types of versions about this ballet were Richard Strauss and Manuel de Falla. However, the most famous composition is the one that Lidwig Minkus had created. He became the official composer in Bolxoi Ballet working with Petipa choreographer. He composed the music of "La Bayadére", too and he worked in some parts of the music about Paquita ballet. This ballet shows the perfect mixture of Lidwing Minkus' song and Marius Petipa's choreography. The music is energic and really powerful in each variation.
-The most important performers: There are lots of important dancers in this ballet like: Anna Sobeixànskaia- Serguei Sokolov, Alexandra Vergina- Ivanov, Anna Pàvlova, Lucette Aldous, a really lively Kitri, with Rudolf Nureiev. Maia Plisètskaia, Suzanne Farrell and Sylvie Guillem, too. But the most beautiful pair was the pair of: Ekaterina Maksímova- Vladímir Vassíliev, that they were married in the real life. Another one incredible pair was: Carla Fracci- Nureiev. Some of the performers of Basilio were: Mikahïl Baríxnikov and Balanchine. The most important ballet dancers that performed Basilio and Kitri were: Nureiev, Roberto Bolle, Basili Patrick Dupond, Maximiliano Guerra, José Manuel Carreño, Laurent Hilaire, Leonid Sarafanov, Marie- Claude Pietragalla, Svetlana Zakhàrova, Tamara Rojo and Natàlia Osipova.
-The technique: The feelings of this ballet are strong! There are lots of Spanish and classical variations. There are some parts that appear some bullfighters. You can see a lot of parts about jumps, pirouettes and quick steps. Kitri does a difficult jump including a grand jeté en tournant entrelacé, a big jump with the range. But the pirouettes are really difficult, like the manège that Basilio does in some variations. In this ballet it must appear a lot of well- technique ballet dancers with a good way of dance and a correct way of interpretation of the music.
-The ballet's dresses: The Kitri's tutu is shortest to show the acrobatic movements of this dancer except when they have to do some pirouettes because they don't wear tutus. They only wear a long and red skirt. They wear an embroidered and scoop bodice. All the dress is red and black with some flowers on the tutu. Some typical decorations from the traditional Spanish's dresses. The wedding dress of Kitri in the wedding between Basilio and Kitri is white and full of complements. The boy wears traditional stockings and a vest with sleeves. The colours of the different dresses are brilliant.
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