-The most important ballet performers: In this ballet there are lots of incredible performers from different ages: Serge Lifar, Peter Martins, Peter Schaufuss and the excellent and famous Rudolf Nureiev. All of the last ballet dancers written before belong to the "City Ballet of New York". Also there were Mikahïl Baríxnikov, Julio Bocca and finally, the most important of all of them: Roberto Bolle because of his expression in this ballet and the way he transmitted his feelings to the audience. His phisical presence is the perfect one for this ballet. He is powerful, energic while he is natural.
Some of the girls that participate in Apollon Musagète were: Aleksandra Danílova, Noëlla Pontois and Anna Razzi.
-The technique: Apol·lo appears in some solos as the perfect Greek statue. He starts moving as if he is going out of a pedestal. He plays the latherback while he is doing some arabescs and in other variations he moves his open arms gently. The Grek Muses enter on the stage doing a lot of wonderful battements. Terpsícore (the Godness of dance) dances with Apol·lo in the pas de deux with lots of views, graceful movements and delicate rises. There appear some cambrés and difficult arabescs. The Muses dance in front of Apol·lo in some scenes, too. The final part is really shocking.
-The ballet's dresses: The Muses wear some short and light dresses to remeber the tunics from the past. They wear a type of maillot, too. The type of clothes that I have written before, is the one that Apol·lo use to dance, like a light cloth. The colour of these dresses is the white one.

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